Solutions which neatly fit the application
Press brake control
Optimized solutions for every press brake
Fit for the purpose makes a lean system
For press brake applications today and tomorrow the control solution has to blend in. Operation efficiency, enabling the highest possible productivity, starts with a fit for the purpose control solution. A control solution offering functions fitting the machine, the operator and the jobs, leading to confidence and productivity.
Solutions, diverse in many ways, have a lot in common: operation philosophy, strongest efficient navigation as well as resemblance of parameters, locations and compatibility. That is why operators enjoy the proven Delem touch navigation along the long-term strong recognisable functionality.
DA-60 series
The DA-60Touch and new DA-60S series press brake controls. Extensible modular high-end press brake control solutions.
DA-50 series
The DA-50Touch series press brake controls, includinh the new Tx series, Compact solutions without compromise.
DA-40 series
The DA-40Touch and DA-40Tx series press brake controls. Sophisticated conventional press brake control solutions.
DA-Retrofit solutions
The DA-Retrofit solutions. Controls fit for experienced press brakes. Strong resemblance enhancing the ease of use.