Our sympathies go out to the people affected by this unforeseen event, and we appreciate the work of health professionals, local communities and governments around the world who are at the forefront of efforts to fight the coronavirus.
At Delem, comprehensive measures and actions have been taken. Together with our suppliers, partners and employees we are doing all we can to overcome the situation in the best interest of our customers. We hope that this will also further strengthen the trust in Delem.
We will inform you immediately of any changes that affect you as a Delem customer or partner. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your trust and understanding, even if restrictions may occur in the near future. If you need anything, your usual contact persons at Delem will be happy to inform and assist you. If you have general questions in connection with the Covid-19 coronavirus and Delem, please contact us (sales@delem.com).
Warm regards, wishing you all the best, and stay safe! Delem

COVID-19 virus